Numerical study of the engine-propeller combination of the unmanned aerial vehicle with the propeller integrated into the engine

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-131-11
*, , **,Ufa University of Science and Technology, 32, Zaki Walidi str., Ufa, 450076, Russia
The article presents a proposal for application of the improved engine-propeller group with the airscrew integrated into the electric motor in the multi-rotor type unmanned aerial vehicles. The authors performed a check-up aimed at confirming the proposed technical solution operability, which was realized by the presented modification comparison with classical scheme of the engine-propeller group. The juxtaposition was being accomplished by the aerodynamic characteristics of the airscrew in the hovering mode by the computational hydro-gas-dynamics methods with the STAR CCM+ and ANSYS CFX application software. Numerical modeling was performed in the 3D setting and based on solving the system of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations, which were closed using the turbulence models of the K-Epsilon family. The airscrew rotation was described by the moving frame of reference without the grid changing. The data obtained from the mathematical study indicate a non-critical reduction in the lifting force of the improved scheme of the engine-propeller combination group compared to the traditional one, and are fixed at 3.9% and 2.5% in ANSYS CFX and STAR CCM+, respectively. The drag torque of the airscrewof the modified scheme increased by 0.741% relative to the classical one when modeled in the STAR CCM+, and decreased by 0.944% when modeled in the ANSYS CFX. The proposed scheme weight herewith, computed in SolidWorks, decreased by 8%. The results of the performed check-up are satisfactory and prove the applicability of the improved scheme of the engine-propeller combination in unmanned aerial systems to increase their reliability, as well as reduce weight and dimensions without the risk of malfunctions in their operation.
numerical modelling, engine-propeller combination, unmanned aerial vehicle, multirotor, Reynolds-averaged Navier-StokesReferences
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