The influence of geometry on a supersonic laminar flow past a blunt-fin body mounted on a plate

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-131-12


Babich E. V.*, Kolesnik E. V.

Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, 29, Polytechnicheskaya str., St. Petersburg, 195251, Russia



The study of the flow structure near an obstacle mounted on a streamlined surface and the correct prediction of heat transfer characteristics is important both for practical purposes, in particular, in the aerospace industry, and in fundamental and theoretical respects. Such flow results in a highly three-dimensional flow pattern, which includes an elongated flow separation region containing a set of horseshoe-shaped vortices and a complex shock-wave interaction. This paper presents the results of a numerical solution of the problem of supersonic flow past a blunt fin mounted on a plate with a developing boundary layer. In most works on this topic, the flow around bodies of simple geometry is studied, however, objects with a more complex configuration are of interest for practical purposes. This work, which is a continuation of research [12], is devoted to studying the influence of the geometric shape of the obstacle (slope angle, shape of the leading edge) on the flow structure and local heat transfer characteristics; herewith cases of flow leakage at different angles of attack are considered. In our calculations, we used the SINF/Flag-S finite-volume unstructured code developed at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. We solved the complete 3D Navier—Stokes equations for a thermally and calorically perfect gas.

According to the research, in supersonic flow around a body mounted on a plate, such changes in the geometric configuration as narrowing of the leading edge, a decrease in the slope angle, and asymmetric flow lead to a reduction in thermal loads caused by the effects of viscous-inviscid interaction.


high-speed flows, viscous-inviscid interaction, horseshoe-shaped vortices, numerical simulation


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