A method for estimating the characteristics of digital models of cyber-physical systems based on multiple regression analysis of the results of their application

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-131-19


Minakov E. P.*, Privalov A. E.*, Bugaichenko P. Y.*

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia

*e-mail: vka@mil.ru


Digital technologies implementation in the sphere of complex technical systems control has led to the advent of the cyber-physical systems (CPS) concepts and digital twins (DT). The DT basic element is the digital model (DM) of the CPS. Requirements to the DM characteristics are being confirmed while tests, verification and validation, to which ensuring the problems of substantiating the list of the DM characteristics and developing methods for their assessment are being solved. The article substantiates the choice of completeness and veracity of the DM as its target characteristics. A method for their assessment by the characteristics of the accuracy of the of the CPS properties estimates obtained with the DM, and the weighting coefficients determined employing multiple regression analysis of the DM application results is proposed. The said method is based on the analysis of the CPS target function, due to which the criterion applied in assessing veracity receives an obvious physical meaning. The proposed method may be employed for solving the problems of the DT structural and parametric synthesis, as well as analyzing their functioning effectiveness at all stages of the CPS life cycle. The result of the training stage is analytical models of the CPS characteristics, which can be used in optimization algorithms without significant requirements for computing resources. The training sample can be replenished while the DT exploitation which increases the accuracy of the DM characteristics assessment at various stages of the CPS life cycle. The adequacy of the method is confirmed by the presented in the article example of the DM characteristics evaluating of an angular motion control system with flywheel engines.


digital model, digital twin, qualimetry of models, multiple regression analysis


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