Optimization of observation conditions of civil aircrafts in the infrared thermal band


Aliyeva G. V.

National Aerospace Agency of Azerbaijan Republic, NASA, 1, Suleyman Sani Akhundov str., Baku, AZ1115, Azerbaijan Republic

e-mail: gunelcelilova@mail.ru


The article deals with the issues of observation optimizing of civilian aircraft during cruise flight employing ground-based infrared recording equipment. All-in-all, the aircraft infrared spectral characteristics are the basis for its detection inflight. The main heat emitters of aircraft are the aircraft skin, heated while flight due to aerodynamic heating, as well as its engine and exhaust gases. Analysis of the ground observation possibility of civil aircraft in the daytime allows drawing the following inferences:

1. The flight speed increases monotonously up to the beginning of the descent stage.

2. The cruise flight altitude is almost unchanged.

3. The exhaust gases radiation is strongly attenuated by the atmosphere.

4. The emitted radiation during the cruise flight depends on the ambient temperature (air).

It was determined that the range of 2–4 μm was expedient for the ground observation and tracking of civil aircraft performing flight at daytime, where the basic component of the emitted radiation was the fact of the skin heating.

The author studied the issue of optimal dependence of the flight speed on the air temperature. The problem of the optimal relationship determining between the aircraft flight speed and the air temperature at which the skin temperature of a civilian vessel would reach an extreme value was formulated. The problem of unconditional variation optimization was formulated to determine optimal form of the said problem, and mathematical solution of this problem was adduced. The article demonstrates that if the civil aircraft flight should be unnoticed to heat detectors of the ground observation and tracking system, the flight should be perpetrated with the cruise speed inversely proportional to the air temperature value. Conversely, if reliable operation of the ground-based thermal detectors is required, then the above said regularity should be maximally avoided. Presumably, the first case refers to the situation when the aircraft and registering equipment belong to the conflicting sides, while the other case means that both the aircraft and heat detectors belong to the same owner.


optimization, thermal range, flight speed, infrared range, recorder


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