Algorithm for calibration and adjustment of air signal system elements


Ivanenko K. A.*, Egorov S. I.**, Borzov D. B.***

South-Western State University, 94, 50-let Oktyabrya str., Kursk, 305040, Russia

***e-mail: bоrzоvdb@kursknе


The aircraft position determining in the airspace is is one of the key and important components of navigation. An important subtask herewith for achieving the goal is altitudes, speeds and accelerations determining, since the specified trajectory cannot be maintained in the absence of these parameters. The main types of the employed radio altimeters are the barometric and radio altimeters. Instruments based on the principle of computing the return time of the signal reflected from the Earth are employed for the most part while the aircraft takeoff and landing, while for the most portion of the flight, the work is being performed by the barometric instruments. The pressure sensors readings are being affected by the ambient temperature. They are divided into compensated and uncompensated by the principle of dependence on temperature. Temperature compensation of the sensor implies the return of the sensor to the readings that it would give without accounting for the temperature effect, after a certain time and with a certain error. The basic compensation properties, such as error and return time, can also depend on temperature factors in practice and vary over the temperature range. Besides, sensor membranes are subjected to aging, and the temperature compensation properties of sensors may depend on the wear factors as well. In case of employing sensors without compensation, all the work on temperature correction of readings is performed by a mathematical apparatus, which is based on the readings of the sensors themselves, as well as on the readings of a number of other sensors that measure the properties of the environment. When applying sensors with temperature compensation, the mathematical apparatus can perform thermal correction operations at the boundary sections of the temperature range. Besides the temperature correction, mathematical apparatus in air signal systems is required to compensate for the static pressure error, which increases with the measured altitude increasing. Thus, with deviations of 0–5 meters in the altitude range of 0–1000, in the range of 4500–5500 meters, the error may already be of 15–25 m, which is unacceptable in the requirements for modern airborne signal systems (Air Signal System). The main problem of dynamic pressure sensors is opposite to the static data, namely it consists in in error values increasing at low speeds of 0–75 m. Besides, this device should be insensitive to the wind interference in a stationary state on the ground, so as not to interfere with the other equipment operation. With the speeds growth, the in error increase is not as obvious as at low speeds. The above said problems demonstrate the relevance of creating an algorithmic and mathematical apparatus for preliminary calibration of the SHS systems, a calibration methodology, as well as a system for its hardware support. The object of study of this work is methods for calibrating the temperature-compensated static and dynamic pressure sensors, forming the air signal system. The subject of the study is a mathematical apparatus for bringing the readings of barometric sensors into specified ranges. As a result of the design, the following was accomplished: – an algorithm for calibrating static and dynamic pressure sensors has been developed; – a method has been formulated for reducing the natural curve of sensor readings to the reference ones; As the result, a mathematical model, algorithm and calibration technique are proposed with subsequent mathematical correction of the readings of temperature-compensated sensors of the SHS system, based on an analysis of the behavior of selected sensors when changing functional and temperature ranges, using modern technological equipment. A method for calibrating air signal sensors has been developed and debugged, allowing performing input control of the employed sensors, identifying in advance devices with an inoperative compensation apparatus, by analyzing data obtained by simulating flight conditions. The authors developed iterative algorithms for interaction between the traffic controller and the hardware and software complex that implement the existing methodology.


air signal system, sensors, calibration, static and dynamic pressure, technology, aircraft


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