Factor analysis of the reasons determining the error of stations of technical systems (complexes) testing ground


Gumarov S. G.1*, Getmantsev A. Y.2**

1. Federal State Institution "Military Unit 15650", Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan region, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: gumarovserg@rambler.ru
**e-mail: tomamens@mail.ru


The article considers the features of determining the essentiality of the instrumental error effect of automatic and automated optical stations of technical systems (complexes) of the test site (testing organization) (hereinafter referred to as TSCP), as well as the error introduced by the operator of automated stations on the total error of external measurements. The methodological apparatus of applying the factor analysis methods in identifying the single factor significance for the total measurement error is recounted in detail. The article presents the analysis of various radioengineering methods for the aircraft eigen coordinates determining during flight experiments aimed at obtaining their actual flight characteristics. The importance of technical means (complexes) of test sites for independent and high-precision assessment of coordinates and speed characteristics of aircraft is demonstrated.

An approach to identifying the materiality factors that introduce errors in the measurement results of various channels of TSCP is proposed. It is demonstrated that the coordinates of stars and other astronomical objects computed with the required accuracy can be accepted as reference values. Combined application of mathematical apparatus of the probability theory, mathematical statistics, analysis of variance and factor analysis allows forming a criterion for the significant and non-essential factors selection affecting the TSCP measurements accuracy. It allows accuracy and reliability assessing of the results of the aircraft external design parameters determining by technical means and complexes of the test site. The authors proposed a methodology for solving the said problematic issues.


optical means of trajectory measurements, precision characteristics, factor analysis, analysis of variance, Fisher distribution


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