Method for security coding of data received by optical sensors of unmanned aircraft systems


Grigoriev E. K.*, Sergeev A. M.

Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, 67, Bolshaya Morskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190000, Russia



At the current time, unmanned aerial systems (UAS) are widely used in solving problems of real-time monitoring, ecological exploration, inspection of protected areas, as well as in the creation of various media content. One of the main channels for obtaining information is the optical channel.

The article discusses the relevance of the problem of the confidentiality ensuring of visual information received by optical sensors of (UAS). The inference is being made that the main factor hindering the implementation of algorithms data protection received by the civil UAS optical sensors is their computational complexity. In this respect, to searching for and implementing mathematically simple protection techniques seems to be expedient. The authors propose employing matrix masking as an alternative as an alternative to the cryptographic methods for the discussed problem solution. Masking specifics of the full-color images and video stream frames received by the UAS payload are being considered and analyzed. The results of the analysis reveal that masking results in color images reduction to a noise-like form with complete destruction of the contours of the original image, making any visual analytical analysis impossible in the case of equal image sizes and key-matrix sizes. The authors revealed that the full-color images masking has its own specifics in contrast to the halftone images masking, and, as a consequence, ensure better pixels mixing and better contours destruction of the initial image compared to the halftone images masking. Masking with the small-size key matrices thereby becomes possible.


unmanned aircraft systems, masking visual information, quasi-orthogonal matrices, ensuring confidentiality


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