Accounting for entropy production in the liouville equation and the derivation of a "MODIFIED" system of navier-stokes equations from it


Khatuntseva O. N.



Turbulent and laminar flow regimes of a liquid or gas are indistinguishable on the scale of thermal motion of molecules. However, there are significant differences between them on the meso- and macro-scales. The turbulent regime has the features of a stochastic time–irreversible process at all scales of consideration, moreover, stochastic pulsations in the turbulent regime at different scales are correlated – they have a collective character. In contrast, the laminar regime is deterministic and time-reversible at all scales significantly exceeding the scale of thermal motion of molecules. There are ranges of parameters above some critical values at which both laminar and turbulent modes can be realized and exist with different probabilities. Transitions between them occur abruptly, irreversibly, that is, the reverse transition when changing parameters in the opposite direction can occur (and usually does) at other parameter values. Thus, an equation describing both of these modes should allow for a non-unique solution, with an ill-smooth and ambiguously defined transition between them.

Earlier, studies were conducted on the possibility of describing both laminar and turbulent fluid flow based on the same “modified” Navier-Stokes equations, which take into account entropy production in the turbulent regime due to the excitation of stochastic disturbances at different flow scales [1-4].

Solutions corresponding to laminar and turbulent flow regimes of an incompressible non-thermally conductive liquid were analytically obtained for the Hagen-Poiseuille problems, the Poiseuille plane flow and the Couette plane flow. Experimental and analytical solutions for different values of the Reynolds number are compared.

This paper shows the possibility of moving from the Liouville equation, which takes into account the production of entropy at different scales (the “modified” Liouville equation) to the “modified” Boltzmann equation through a chain of “modified” Bogolyubov equations. Based on these equations, a “modified” system of Navier-Stokes equations is derived.


Liouville, Boltzmann, Navier-Stokes equations, turbulent flow, laminar-turbulent transition


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