Issues of building an adaptive flight mode of a reconnaissance UAV


Aliyeva G. V.*, Huseynov O. A.

National Aerospace Agency of Azerbaijan Republic, NASA, 1, Suleyman Sani Akhundov str., Baku, AZ1115, Azerbaijan Republic



The need for a correct assessment of the effectiveness of the conducted reconnaissance carried out using integrated spatially distributed aviation complexes of manned aerial reconnaissance facilities is explained by the extreme conditions in which they often have to be implemented. At the same time, proper planning of such flights is one of the most important tasks, the solution of which would ensure the successful completion of the mission of unmanned aerial vehicles of the reconnaissance type. Taking measures to ensure the high quality of images obtained during the flight of the UAV is certainly an essential component of such planning. images. The purpose of this study is to determine the main patterns in the organization of an adaptive mode of operation of optoelectronic reproducing equipment. The essence of the proposed adaptive mode is to promptly change the focal length depending on the altitude of the UAV in order to achieve the maximum possible value of the indicator on the NIIRS scale. Currently, the NIIRS criterion is used to evaluate the quality of images obtained from electro-optical UAV systems in the infrared range. NIIRS is an evaluation scale of the degree of interpretability of images received from UAVs. The higher the NIIRS score, the more details you can make out in the resulting image. The NIIRS scale contains 10 levels, where the zero level indicates an image in which it is impossible to distinguish any details, the ninth level indicates images in which the movement of people is clearly visible. The mathematical apparatus most often used to calculate the levels of this scale is the General Equation of Image Quality. The possibilities of adaptive construction of reconnaissance-type UAVs with variable focal length are investigated. It is shown that the root dependence of the second degree of the UAV flight altitude on the focal length of optoelectronic equipment is the worst option for adaptive flight altitude control, when implemented, the evaluation of the UAV mission on the NIIRS scale reaches a minimum value. When designing and operating an intelligence-type UAV, it is advisable to avoid organizing such an adaptive control mode.


adaptive control, UAV, focal length, altitude, optoelectronic equipment


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