Simulation of the antenna directional pattern motion during conical scanning under conditions of angular carrier evolutions


Balashov E. V.1*, Sentsov A. A.2**

1. Heads and Hands LLC, Sankt Petersburg, Russia
2. Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, 67, Bolshaya Morskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190000, Russia



The article deals with the description of a mathematical model of the directional pattern of the radar coordinator antenna in space, with account for fluctuations in pitch and yaw angles. The angular evolutions effect on the direction finding result is stipulated by the ratio of the angular velocity of rotation in the angle of roll and the angular velocity of evolutions. the presented article considers the case when these speeds are comparable. After considering a number of simplified models for analytical description of motion of the three-dimensional antenna directional pattern in the “azimuth - angle of location” coordinates, a three-dimensional model was computed, as well as its projection onto the Earth surface. The mathematical model correctness is confirmed by experimental studies, which results were obtained as an outcome of a radar coordinator installing on a linearly moving unmanned aerial vehicle, which is subjected to angular evolutions and implements the direction-finding method of conical scanning. Thus, the concept of a mathematical model of motion of the the directional pattern of the radar coordinator antenna projection onto the Earth surface, performing a conical scanning of space under conditions of linear displacement and angular evolutions of the carrier, is proposed. The said model is applicable for the devices and products functioning as a radar coordinator for various purposes. The model is based on a number of simplifications, such as linear motion models and the Gauss model for describing the antenna pattern. The adopted simplifications may be clarified without significant reworking of the model.


radiation pattern, radar station, angular evolutions, conical scanning, radar coordinator


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