Investigation of direction finding methods for Ground-based radioelectronic control systems for navigation spacecraft


Slavyansky A. O.*, Bezkaravainy V. A.**, Latyshev A. E.***, Mironov P. N.****, Nelina M. V.*****, Skrynskij V. R.

MIREA — Russian Technological University (Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies), 78, Vernadsky prospect, Moscow, 119454, Russia



In this study, we consider a spatial model for determining the position of a direction finding object by means of two-coordinate phase direction finders of a wide sector of simultaneous space survey. As a scanning device, flat antenna arrays are used in the work, providing high speed of operation, allowing the signal to be captured in time and sent for processing by the system. Antenna arrays consist of a set of elements forming many different phasometric bases, which is their direct advantage. The main algorithms for the study were chosen "summation of cosines", "refinement method" and the method of statistical optimization of the algorithm for estimating the angle of arrival of radio waves, which, combined with its simplicity, allows determining the coordinates of an object in the observation area with sufficient accuracy. The paper also considers the basic algorithms for estimating one angular coordinate in the plane, and estimating two angular coordinates in three-dimensional space. A comparative analysis of the accuracy characteristics of estimates of the angular coordinates of the radiation source obtained by the method of "summation of cosines", the maximum likelihood method and some combined methods that are proposed to solve the problem of ambiguity is presented. Among other things, the text analyzes the dependence of the bias and the RMS error of measuring the phase difference, depending on the signal-to-noise ratio.


phase direction finder, antenna system, estimation algorithm, phase difference


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