MIMO radar based on chirps with slow phase shift keying


Meleshin Y. M.*, Khasanov M. K.**, Karpov V. N.***, Lyalin K. S.****

National Research University of Electronic Technology "MIET", 1, Shokin Square, Zelenograd, Moscow, 124498, Russia

*e-mail: i@imym.ru
**e-mail: khaes@yandex.ru
***e-mail: vadimkarpov@icloud.com
****e-mail: ksl@miee.ru


The article presents the architecture of a continuous-wave radar with multi-channel input and multichannel output (MIMO radar) based on continuous linear frequency modulation (LFM) signals, in which the signals orthogonality on the transmitting antenna elements is ensured by the developed algorithm of alternating-sign formation and processing of chirps. The previously considered MIMO radars based on the LFM signals with phase shift keying are built on the “fast” phase shift keying principle, in which the entire PFS, under which action the manipulation occurs, fits within the framework of one chirps (hereinafter, a pulse means one cycle of frequency change between the extreme values). This article proposes two methods for forming and processing the signals in which “slow” phase shift keying takes place, i.e. a change in the signal phase under the action of the PFS occurs only at the moments of the beginning of the chirps (from pulse to pulse). Additional phase shift keying in the transmitting channels herewith is implemented due to an alternating operation by introducing mixers or single-bit 0/180° phase shifters without using significant hardware complications in the form of digital-to-analog converters or additional heterodyne signal generators.
The article describes and mathematically models two methods, namely a method with alternating accumulation of chirps, in which pulses are accumulated, and a method with alternating fast Fourier transform (FFT) from chirp to chirp.
Based on the research results the inferences were drawn that the first presented method may be applied to create relatively simple systems with extremely limited computing capabilities, while the second method is more classical and allows building full-fledged “range”-“speed” arrays for each angular direction. It is worth noting as well that a combination of the presented methods with partial accumulation before the FFT performing with pulses is possible to achieve the target computational complexity of the DSP operations. The article gives an example of building a radar based on the stated principles in the K-band of frequencies and performs mathematical modeling of the system to confirm its operability; the modeling demonstrated the prospects of this trend for further research.


MIMO, linear frequency modulation, virtual antenna array, radar


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