Reconfigurable computing systems based on programmable logic integrated circuits for solving large-scale complex tasks


Shevelev S. S.1*, Borzov D. B.2**, Dobritsa V. P.2***

1. ,
2. South-Western State University, 94, 50-let Oktyabrya str., Kursk, 305040, Russia



The reconfigurable modular asynchronous system includes an arithmetic-character processor, specialized computing modules and a switching system for performing arithmetic and logical operations, as well as processing information in symbolic form. The system uses specialized modules to create parallel branches of computing with functional specialization of devices. Computer systems with a tunable structure are based on microprocessor modules that process strings of characters, logical and numeric values. The information graph of a computational system with a tunable structure, structural and functional schemes, algorithms for building specialized modules performing various operations such as arithmetic and logical operations, search and exchange in words are presented. Software was also created to simulate the operation of an arithmetic-character processor, specialized computing modules and. The final programming of the architecture of reconfigurable computing systems includes the creation of functional nodes for performing calculations, setting up direct information channels in switches between elementary processors, setting up distributed memory blocks to implement procedures for reading and writing information arrays. Hardware and software tools of reconfigurable computing systems make it possible to synthesize arbitrary connections between system components, creating the necessary computing structures. Using the principle of reconfigurability of the algorithm during its execution allows you to achieve the following goals: the use of high-performance computing platforms, ensuring modularity, mobility, high reliability, the possibility of rebuilding hardware and software devices, as well as the invariance of algorithms relative to the hardware platform.


information graph, computing system, specialized computing modules, adders, subtractors, logical operations


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