Ensuring Noise Immunity of a Communication Channel by Using a Method of Searching for Small-Weight Words in Linear Block Binary and Ternary Codes

1*, 2**, 1***, 2****1. ,
2. South-Western State University, 94, 50-let Oktyabrya str., Kursk, 305040, Russia
*e-mail: l@lcrypto.com
**e-mail: sie58@mail.ru
***e-mail: evatutin@rambler.ru
****e-mail: white731@yandex.ru
The functionality and reliability of unmanned aerial vehicles is largely determined by the data transmission channel used. Data, including video, must be transmitted reliably in real time at high speed over the greatest possible distance. This requires the use of advanced error correction and encryption systems. In the context of the development of such systems, there is a need to construct error-resistant codes with specified properties, the most important of which is the minimum code distance.
For estimating the minimum code distance, the article proposes a new method for searching for words of small weight in linear block binary and ternary codes based on the geometry of numbers using a family of heuristics. The method involves the following steps: 1) embedding (Kannan) code into a lattice; 2) reduction of the lattice basis; 3) orthogonalization of the lattice basis using QR decomposition methods; 4) search for the shortest vector in the lattice using the Kannan-Finke-Post (KFP) method. The number of non-zero components of the found vector is equal to the desired codeword weight, which gives an estimate of the code distance.
The performance of the proposed method for searching for words of small weight is determined by the performance of the KFP method for searching for the shortest vector. The performance of the latter increases significantly with the use of heuristics. The following heuristics were used: Gaussian branch pruning; extreme branch cutting based on replacing the hypersphere of the Gaussian heuristic with the body of the intersection of cylinders; rounding heuristics based on reducing the problem of finding the shortest vector to the problem of finding the nearest vector using the Babai algorithm and lattice density heuristics.
The proposed method has high performance when solving problems of approximate estimation of the code distance. This method on the task of searching for a word of small weight 228 demonstrated 3172.9 times the speedup compared to the Brouwer-Zimmerman algorithm implemented in the MAGMA V2.22-3 package. The low weight codeword 212 was found based on the proposed method in 4 147 201 seconds using an Intel 7700K 64GB processor and a 1070 8GB graphics card. Finding this code word won first place in the international low-weight word search competition run by the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the National Institute for Research in Digital Sciences and Technologies (Inria Paris), and the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Informatics in the Netherlands (CWI).
Number Geometry, Error Correction Code, Hamming distance estimation, Shortest Vector Problem, Shortest Basis Problem, Extremal lattices, Kannan embeddingReferences
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