Generation of flight samples and data sets for aircraft landing studies using machine learning techniques
1*, 2**, 1***1. Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), Zhukovsky, Moscow region, Russia
2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), 9, Institutskiy per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, 141701, Russia
Potentially available volumes of flight data and the trend of their multiple increase in the coming years indicate the relevance and importance of the development of new approaches to the study of flight safety problems, which are based on the analysis of information using machine learning (ML) methods. The reliability of the results of such analysis is largely determined by the quality of preprocessing of primary flight data and prepared arrays (datasets) for the direct application of ML methods. Data arrays are formed for a specific applied problem to be solved.
This paper deals with the formation of flight samples and data arrays for their subsequent analysis using ML methods as applied to the task of predicting the coordinate of an aircraft touchdown point on a runway.
The whole process of data preparation is divided into the following separate stages: collection, transcription and annotation of flight parametric recorder data; formation of flight sample; calculation of non-registered parameters; alignment of records of different flights; validation of recorded flight data; data consolidation and synchronization; preliminary (exploratory) data analysis.
Each of the steps is discussed in detail and illustrated by the results of real flight data processing.
The paper uses records of passenger aircraft flight parameters under operating conditions on the route network of one of the airlines, METAR archives, reference data on landing airfields and nominal technical characteristics of the aircraft.
It is shown that the work on the formation of a sample of flights and data arrays for the study of aircraft landing using machine learning methods is a very labor-intensive, but necessary part of the implementation of a promising approach to the study of flight safety problems.
flight safety, machine learning, prediction, flight data, flight sampling, dataset landing, touchdown point coordinateReferences
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