Amended estimate of landing danger coefficient while descent along glideslope with account for vertical wind

System analysis, control and data processing


Eremin A. I.*, Selvesyuk N. I.**

State Institute of Aviation Systems, 7, Victorenko str., Moscow, 125319, Russia



The article envisages an approach to aircraft flight-safety checkout system developing at the crucial flight stages with account for external factors and piloting errors. The kernel of the safety checkout system algorithmic provision is analytical calculation of integral danger coefficient.

Most of the accidents with human casualties occur while discent and landing. In this connection, auxiliary means for flight-safety automated control should present onboard an aircraft.

The problem of continuous aircraft landing safety control in longitudinal channel after beginning the descent along the glideslope under vertical wind action and piloting error was formulated and solved.

The specific feature of the approach proposed in the article consists in forecasting the potential consequences due to the dangerous deviations from the glide path at the hypothesis on optimal threat elimination by specified integral criterion evaluating the landing quality at the end of landing. Bellman’s dynamic programming method was employed to compute this criterion.

Scaling factors of the formula for integral danger coefficient computation were determined by computer modeling for various initial data with account of the initial piloting errors while vertical wind action in the process of the aircraft descent along the glideslope.

The article demonstrated that the suggested model for qualitative danger evaluation while landing adequately imitated pilot’s anxiety increasing and its subsiding after hazardous situation elimination.


optimal control, the dynamic programming method, risk function, analytical design of optimal regulators


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