Change of perigee argument of medium Earth orbit with constant semi-major axis and different eccentricity

*, **,Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
The problem of impulse correction of the orientation of the apsidal line of the orbit of a space object located in the region of global navigation satellite systems is considered. The semi-major axis and inclination of the orbit are assumed to be known and equal to 26 578 km and 55°, respectively, and the eccentricity can vary from 0 to 0.76 under the action of perturbations from the Sun and the Moon. This effect is due to gravitational resonance, which occurs when the sum of the doubled perigee argument and right ascension of the ascending node is maintained for a long time near the value of 270°. Two opposing objectives are possible: increasing the eccentricity to remove the object from the global navigation systems region or creating a stable near-circular disposal orbit. In both cases, correction of the apsidal line orientation is required. The article studies the costs of the characteristic velocity required for its rotation in the case of a circular orbit in this region with a restriction on preserving the value of the large semi-major axis. It is shown that at eccentricity up to 0.01, transversal velocity impulses of no more than 25 m/s are required to deflect the pericentre argument by 90°. In general case of an elliptical orbit with a fixed initial semi-major axis, a solution has been numerically found that allows to change the orientation of the eccentricity vector, with a decrease of the orbit's major semi-major axis. It is shown that the cost of rotating the apsidal line by 15° varies from 50 m/s to 550 m/s for eccentricity values from 0.1 to 0.76. It is proved that at e < 0.76 formation of a stable disposal orbit or creation and maintenance of gravitational resonance should be realized via the change of perigee argument. The calculations show that the apsidal line rotation is more economical than the node line rotation, which is performed by impulse maneuver or by using an intermediate drift orbit.
elliptical orbit, global navigation satellite systems, Solar and Lunar gravity perturbations, gravitational resonance, argument of perigee, evolution of eccentricity vector, orbit correction maneuversReferences
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