An option to increase the data transfer rate in the air radio network

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
Currently, more and more attention is being paid to technical improvement and the development of new forms and methods of using complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles. The type of payload determines the list of tasks solved by UAVs in the conduct of armed struggle, in the interests of protecting the state border and maritime border space, in the interests of ensuring public safety and emergency response, as well as in the interests of the civilian sector of the economy. An important factor in the course of performing these tasks is the possibility of organizing high-speed data transmission of the payload from an unmanned aerial vehicle to a ground control point in order to timely process information by all categories of interested parties. Simultaneously with the increasing intensity of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, problematic technical aspects of their operation and management are being identified. One of these aspects is the inconsistency of the principles of the organization. The article considers a variant of increasing the speed of information transmission in the air radio network using OFDM signals, taking into account the non-stationarity of the transmitted traffic at the final stages of performing aerial reconnaissance tasks using unmanned aerial vehicles. The speed increase is carried out due to the released frequency resource, which is formed using an algorithm for adaptive change in the frame rate of the video stream in the communication system of an unmanned aerial vehicle - a ground control point, depending on the phono-target situation in the field of view of the on-board video camera.
unmanned aerial vehicle, aerial radio communication network, monitoring of the Earth's surface, phono-target environment, frame rate, object of interest, frequency resource, information transfer rateReferences
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