Synchronization of the radar signal repeater operation based on the quasi-matched filtering method

, *Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
The article presents the principle of forming test noise-like areas on radar images. The areas have a limited size and are characterized by specified average brightness values. It is being developed for radiometric calibration of space-based synthetic-aperture radars. The principle of forming test noise-like areas is based on the partial (controlled) destruction of the coherence of relayed signals. Time synchronization of the repeater operation with the repetition period of the probing pulses is necessary for its implementation. High requirements for time synchronization accuracy amount to units of nanoseconds and cannot be met by a classical threshold amplitude detector.
The aim of the work is to ensure the required accuracy of synchronization of the active calibration means. To achieve the aim, a special device can be used, the basis of which is a filter of radar probe pulses. The main problem of the work is to develop such a filter.
To solve the problem, quasi-matched filtering of probing pulses is used. In a quasi-matched filter, in the absence of a priori information on the amplitude-frequency characteristic of probing signals, the preceding complex-conjugate pulse is used to convolve each subsequent pulse.
The result of the work is proposals for the design of a device for synchronizing the operation of active means of calibration of synthetic-aperture radar based on quasi-matched filtering, as well as an assessment of the efficiency of the application of the proposed method.
The developed method of quasi-matched filtering was tested in the course of analytical and simulation modeling. The results of modeling show that the required accuracy of time synchronization of the repeater can be ensured by using a synchronization device based on the proposed method when solving the problem of forming test noise-like areas on radar images for their radiometric calibration.
The proposed method of quasi-matched filtering of probing radar pulses can be used for:
- developing active means of calibrating synthetic-aperture radar and assessing the radiometric resolution of radar images;
- conducting a technical analysis of probing pulses of prototypes of space radar means for remote sensing of the Earth during flight tests.
synthetic aperture radar; radiometric calibration; relay; synchronization device; quasi-coherent filteringReferences
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