Evaluation technique for virtual objects on radar images formation quality

Radiolocation and radio navigation


Gusev S. N.*, Sahno I. V.*, Khubbiev R. V.

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia

*e-mail: vka@mail.ru


The article proposes an approach to solving the problem of calibrating quality of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) employing test signal simulation system. Thus, the subject of the research is the quality evaluating methods of virtual objects formation on radar images in the interests of SAR calibration.

At present, a common approach to evaluating the bjects imitation quality on radar images does not exist. Thus, the goal of the work consists in developing alternative approaches to assessing the quality of virtual objects formation on radar images, which allow obtaining quantitative characteristics of similarity degree of virtual and real objects.

The proposed method is based on applying correlation analysis technique and the theory of signal detection, which allows drawing a comparison between two images. The radar images herewith are represented by matrices of independent random variables characterizing the values of the intensity and coordinates of the corresponding target marks on the radar image. A special feature of the proposed approach is the study of the statistical characteristics of differential radar images.

The result of the work is a method for evaluating the virtual objects formation quality on radar images, and analytical expressions for computing the following characteristics:- the correlation index of the reference and virtual radar images:

  • the mean-square error of the virtual object formation on radar images;

  • the probability of a virtual object creation, which is an integral indicator, characterizing the probability of achieving such similarity degree of real and virtual objects, under which they cannot be distinguished.

The developed method was approbated during a semi-natural simulation of the virtual objects formation process on the radar images. The simulation results, presented in the work, validated the method and the required quality of the predefined virtual object formation.

The proposed method can be used for:

  • SAR calibration at various stages of development and design;

  • transponders development with program signal generation;

  • feasibility demonstration of the development trends for the SAR methods and measures.


synthetic aperture radar, radar image, signal imitation, trajectory signal


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