Influence of heat protection features on heat fluxes of supersonic launch vehicles and methods for heat protection optimization

Space technics and technology


Yurchenko I. I., Karakotin I. N., Kudinov A. S.


The main contribution to the heat protection weight makes aerodynamic heat fluxes to the head fairing. General physical laws for LV head fairings surface as well as for blunted models, represented in papers by laminar-turbulent transition in boundary layer researchers, were obtained and were applied when reducing heat fluxes factors were being looked for. It was shown that the main factor providing reducing heat flux magnitude is surface roughness height. The carried out analyses revealed that more optimal and predictable approach associated with non-loss heat protection applying. Using spread material on the heat protection outer surface were proposed in order to reduce heating by the Sun while standing on the launch pad and for boundary layer condition changing owing to less roughness height. That features lead to thermal resistance improvement of the external heat protection layers.


the boundary layer; the heat flux; the turbulent-laminar transition; blunt body; the surface roughness; thermocouple; the calorimeter; spread materials.

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