Integrated management of engine thrust and steering actuator of an aircraft during automatic docking

Aviation technologies


Lebedev G. N.*, Vu X. H.**, Vu X. D.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



This work focuses on the design of an integrated control system for engine thrust and steering actuators of an aircraft during automatic docking.
The main aim is to develop a coordinated digital controller for the terminal control of an aircraft based on linear regulator and relay elements.
Our method will address a control law designed for missions, assuming the task of guidance of an aircraft to a terminal point. From the standpoint of the variation calculus method, this law may be split to two problems: one guiding the machine to a fixed location, and another — to a movable one. The cases where a part of the terminal point’s coordinates isn’t fixed or is defined through some constraints, being mode common. The problems of landing on a runway at a given point or mooring an airship to a mast with zero final velocity are discussed in this paper.
As a result we have proposed a control system structure for high speed terminal control, comprising a logical and an executive part. The logical part contains an evaluation unit for measuring control errors of the relative longitudinal and lateral movements during the control by coordinates on lateral and longitudinal channels, and two logic analyzer, looking for coincidence of deviation signs on position and speed. The executive part contains two linear and two relay controllers, the first pair is used for careful and soft docking, and the second — for speeding up the processing of significant deviations.
This research results may apply to aircrafts or river ships.
We conclude that the resulting solution is indeed applicable to the control as airships, where a minimal approach time to a desired end point is required, and for aircrafts, landing in bad weather conditions.


aircraft, airship, traction, steering actuator, terminal point, optimal control, linear and relay control, berthing


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