Estimation and minimization of the influence of various supporting devices on the integral aerodynamic characteristics of the models of axisymmetric bodies and isolated helicopter fuselages in a low-speed wind tunnel

Aviation technologies


Smirnova S. I.1*, Pakhov V. V.1**, Stepanov R. P.1***, Zherekhov V. V.1****, Barakos G. -.2*****

1. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
2. University of Liverpool, England, United Kingdom, Liverpool, L69 3BX



Estimation and minimization of influence of supporting devices on the aerodynamic characteristics of various bodies during the wind tunnel tests has always attracted considerable attention. The three-dimensional interference of a model and supports is quite complex. It depends on the type of the supporting devices, the character of the flow around the bodies, the angle of attack and the yaw angle. The influence of the suspension system causes the emergence of the systematic measurement errors. Corrections for this influence are especially important for well-streamlined wind-tunnel models (axisymmetric bodies, isolated fuselages of airplanes and modern helicopters.)
Systematic experimental investigations were carried out in the wind tunnel of KNRTU-KAI in order to determine the influence of various supporting devices on the aerodynamic characteristics of axisymmetric bodies with different aspect ratios and helicopter fuselage models.
The supports drag was minimized with the help of a single-panel suspension system, which was designed at the Aerodynamics department of MAI. This approach allowed to identify the influence of various suspension devices (bottom struts and side support stings) on the integral aerodynamic characteristics of various models. It also helped to estimate the nature (cause) and magnitude of the required corrections.


estimation and minimization of the influence of the supporting devices, integral aerodynamic characteristics of various bodies, wind tunnel, types of supporting devices, axisymmetric bodies, wind tunnel model of isolated helicopter fuselage


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