Integration of public relations and marketing research in the social marketing of services

Economics and management


Malykhina M. A.

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, 82, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, 119571, Russia



Purpose: to develop a new approach to the formation of a set of integrated marketing communications. The article shows the system model of quality management, market research and public relations interrelation in social marketing of services. In order to analyze the customer perceived quality parameters and to measure satisfaction with these parameters, fixing «breaks» between satisfaction and value of each of these indicators to the customers, the article shows what quality settings are «visible» to the client. To develop a methodology of satisfaction measurement with medical care, the theory of service quality by A. Parasuraman, V. Zeythaml and L. Barry has been adapted to the specific medical services.

Based on analysis of a comprehensive marketing program «Dialogue with the patient» the author shows the integration of public relations with marketing research, which revealed the use of a unified communication (marketing research) to achieve several goals at once — receive marketing information for management decisions, strengthen customer relationships , and also to find new customers on the recommendation of existing customers. It goes beyond the standard application of public relations for the reports of marketing research results to a wider audience, demonstrating a kind of symbiosis in which marketing research use is not one-sided. The article brings new understanding that marketing research is the marketing communication, which allows to build a dialogue, the value of which is higher than just getting information of the recipient.
The article opens a new view on the role of marketing research in the integrated marketing as an independent interlocutory marketing communication evidence from healthcare marketing.In social marketing, it allows to select marketing communications not only based on the characteristics of the industry, company, product and market, but also to the extent that the communication is dialogic, with priority on bilateral marketing communications: PR and marketing research. One of the factors that should be taken into account, is the power of dialogic communication in building long-term relationships with the public. This is especially important in social marketing, which is used to achieve social goals on the basis of dialogue with the public.


quality management, integrated marketing communications, public relations, marketing research, social marketing, services marketing


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