The conceptual bases of formation of professional foreign language communicative competence a student of aviation Technical University

Methods and tutorials


Iskandarova O. Y.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The conceptual foundations of professional foreign language communicative competence in teaching of foreign languages at the aviation technical University students, can be achieved through the development of skills and knowledg of the course of professional interaction in a foreign language. The most important structural components in the formation of professional foreign language communicative competence of students of the aviation University are: motivational and value, informative and behavioral-activity components. With the help of the foreign student’s communicative competence in Aviation Technical University, you can plan the students efforts, deliberately apply psycho-pedagogical methods and anticipate, predict the results. Organizational-MOTIVATIONAL COMPONENT-system of values-people, professionals, communication, cognition, motivation, orientation, evaluation of experience

MEANINGFUL procedure is the system of knowledge, skills and foreign language skills to master the aeronautical knowledge, mastering the communicative activities, communication equipment, professionally-relevant communication qualities.

EFFICIENTLY-CRITERIALNY COMPONENT-stepwise level monitoring of foreign students ’ communicative competence, professional analysis, correction. Organizational and motivational aspect of preparing students for forming of communicative skills is implemented under certain conditions:

1. Focus study of scientific literature, learning a foreign language to communicate, as one of the main educational values.

2. The activity of the students when discussing professional work.

3. Encouraging the active communication between students and teachers, with each other, a foreign language classes.

4. Organization of research, research work on professional activities in a foreign language class as part of the contextual approach. Meaningful procedure component. Knowledge of communicative activity updates the communicative behavior:

1. Knowledge of the role and place of communicative skills within the professional competence of the expert.

2. Knowledge of the entity and the main components of professional foreign language communicative activities.

3. Knowledge of the patterns of foreign professional communication skills specialist of aviation profile.

4. Knowledge of algorithms of behaviour in situations of communication, tactics, and strategy.

5. Knowledge of the tools, forms, methods of information transfer in the process of communication.

6. Knowledge of different kinds of communicative activity. Meaningful procedure component is implemented by means of language learning based on the scientific literature. (6)

7. Communicative skills are implemented by mastering the communicative techniques and technology.


the structure of professional foreign language communicative competence, self-concept, student of aviation university, organizational, motivational, informative, behavioral-activity, axiological, gnoseologicheskay


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