Methods comparison of returning the first stage of the reusable rocket

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-113-06


Timofeev P. M.

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia



The article considers in detail the basic types of the first stages returning, such as returning along the ballistic trajectory to the launching site or another prepared site through the reusable engines, operating on the onboard fuel reserves (vertical landing); landing, employing parachute-jet systems; the first stage returning employing the aerodynamic quality, lifting wings and a turbojet engine.

The main disadvantages of each method of the first stages returning were considered in detail. Comparison of the method of the first stage returning employing the aerodynamic quality, lifting wings and a turbojet engine with the method of returning along the ballistic trajectory through the reusable engines operating on the onboard fuel reserves was performed. Both stages had equal remaining mass of mr = 0.38; specific thrust parameters of rsp = 300 s for the turbojet engine; flight range of L = 300 km; and initial return speed of
us1 = 2000 m/s. The first stage returning method employing the aerodynamic quality, lifting wings and a turbojet engine requires lower relative mass of the means of returning αr = 0.27, compared to the method of returning by the vertical landing, where αr = 0.51. In addition, usage of the first stage, returned to the launching site over the ballistic trajectory, reduces the payload mass mp.l. by 23% compared to the single-shot rocket because a part of the fuel remains for returning to the prepared site. In consequence of this, the rocket carrier does not carry all payload. With employing the method of the first stage returning employing the aerodynamic quality, lifting wings and a turbojet engine the payload reduced only by 7% compared to the single-shot rocket.


reusable rocket, methods of the first stage rocket returning, rocket first stage returning.


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