Investigation of the influence of various factors on the descent of the planetoid along the ladders of the lander

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-127-04


Bogachev V. A.*, Petrov Y. A., Bernikov A. S., Sergeev D. V.**

Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia



To ensure a reliable exit of the vehicle along the ladders to the surface of the planets and their satellites, it is necessary to account for the effect of a large number of various factors, such as:

  • the angular position of the landing vehicle;
  • the coefficients of adhesion between the wheels of the chassis and the working surface of the ladders;
  • the vehicle landing on the loose soil,
  • the presence of stones in the landing area,
  • ensuring guaranteed clearances between the planetary rover and structural elements landing unit and other structural factors.

The undercarriage of the planetoid, as a rule, consists of six or eight driving wheels and an elastic suspension. An electromechanical drive is installed in the hub of each wheel, ensuring thereby high cross-country ability and high reliability.

One of the main problems consists in the reliable exit ensuring along the ladders to the surface of the planet (satellite). For this purpose, experimental selection of materials being installed on ladders that ensure a reliable grip without slipping with the wheels of the planetoid is necessary.

To confirm the lunar rover guaranteed exit, The model allowed reproducing angular position of the landing unit supports, ladders and slope. A decision was taken on what shock absorbers should be «shot-off» to reduce clearance and thereby align the position of the vehicle on the landing surface. After that, the ladders, along which the lunar rover successfully moved to the Moon surface the were opened. Thus, when designing a landing unit for a spacecraft with a planet rover, it is necessary to envisage pyrotechnics in the design of shock absorbers that can be employed to improve the planet rover exiting conditions along the ramps. Shock absorbers with pyro nodes may also be employed in case of the ground-intake device and other mechanisms presence onboard the vehicle.

Tests on the material selection and the determination of the coefficient of adhesion were conducted with the technological wheel of the planetoid and fragments of ladders, on the working surface of which different materials were placed. With this purpose, testing programs and methods were developed, and a test bench, which ensured computed loadings and temperatures, was fabricated.

To analyze the planetoid descent along the ladders on the loose soil, the ladder was tested at its interaction with loose soil. During the tests, the ladder and rested on the soil-analogue placed in a container. The top layer of the soil represented a loose finely dispersed soil, which is being characterized by low adhesion and rather high internal friction with low load-bearing capacity and high compressibility.

If the vehicle lands on rock outcrops or there is a hard surface, such as a stone, under the end of the ladder, then the ladder lateral movement will be much greater than this in the case of a loose soil. With the landing stage roll and heavy loads on one side, the movement of the ladder ends may be significant and the vehicle might leave the track, which will lead to an accident.

As the result of the analysis of the planet rover exit along the ladders, the gaps between the wheel of the planetoid chassis and the structural elements of the landing unit were determined for the case of the landing platform roll in a plane perpendicular to the installation of the ladders at an angle of 20°.

The tolerances for the installation of ladders on the platform, backlash in the nodes of rotation of the ladder links, as well as the rigidity characteristics of the ladder (power beam and railing) were accounted for herewith.

The article presents the results of the full-scale experimental studies of the various factors impact on the of a planet rover exit on the surface of planets and their satellites. As the result of the tests, the coupling coefficients were determined at different temperatures and loads between the fragments of the ladder layout made of various materials and the wheel.

The article considers typical characteristics of the touchdown surface, such as slope, the soil bearing capacity and the presence of stones, and proposes the ladder working surface materials ensuring calculated coefficients of adhesion to the planet rover wheel. The technique for conducting tests on determining the coefficient of adhesion of the planet rover wheel is presented.

Recommendations with regard to the structural design of the landing gear shock absorbers and the ladders fixing in the working position have been elaborated.


lunokhod, planetoid exit, planetoid chassis, coupling coefficient, wheel hooks, loose soil


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