Cybersecurity of the functioning of the information management system with the SQL Server

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-127-13


Vakulchik O. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



This article regards the issue of cyber-security of the information management system of the aerospace system (IMS). Database is the basic IMS component. The SQL server was employed as the database system. Monitoring execution is necessary for the Database information processes performance and security support. The article describes the development of the remote monitoring effective method. This method solves two basic problems, namely information transmission security in the open environment, and effective assessment of the information environment state.

Analysis revealed that effective remote monitoring ensuring requires tool selection. The selected tool should wield enhanced security and employ SQL language for the Database performance evaluation. The tool tackled with in this article ensures information encoding in the open transmission environment. It acts as an administrative panel as well.

After the tool selection, the SQL language objects analysis was performed.

Selection criteria of the necessary objects are as follows: the provided information completeness, request preparation complexity, and the internal functionality enhancing capability. Analysis revealed that storable system procedures are the most informative.

The next stage of development consisted in the stored procedures selection according to the «integral informativity» criterion. The sp_whoisactive stored procedure is of specially great capabilities. However, it has been found that these procedures were redundant. That is why optimized requests for the remote monitoring effectiveness improving were developed. The optimized requests reduce the status information volume, ensuring security, and provide herewith the remote monitoring completeness.


cybersecurity, the information management system, remote status monitoring, remote administration, database management system, SQL Server, SQL query


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