Development of a simulation model of the lidar collision warning system of a service vehicle

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-128-15


Koshkarov A. S.*, Semenova V. P.**

Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, 67, Bolshaya Morskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190000, Russia



The article describes the order of mathematical model developing of the lidar for the collision warning system of a service vehicle on the aerodrome territory while the aircraft maintenance. Based on the considered specifics of traffic organization of the service vehicles on the aerodrome territory and engineering software pack MATLAB, a model of a fuel tanker movement while the TU-204 aircraft operation at the moment of peak service schedule congestion. The relevance of the presented model consists in the following. Transition to the new economic paradigm and digital economy is impossible without the expansion of air transportation. Increasing traffic flows require precise organization and constant control in the loading and maintenance areas. More and more machinery and engineering personnel are required. A logical solution to this problem is automation of processes, including autonomous driving functions delegating to service and transport vehicles. In modern aviation community, more and more attention is being paid to research and development of end-to-end automation processes with minimum human intervention — hyperautomation. Thus, this trend is one of the priorities of the strategy of scientific and technological development in the Russian Federation. The problems solving complexity in this area is being characterized by limited visual observation, which consists in the lack of opportunity for the crew to see the maneuvering equipment on the route of movement, and the lack of forbidden zones. Thus, this article considers the possibility of improving the traffic of service vehicles control system and aircraft on the territory of the aerodrome by placing collision avoidance equipment at the movement of service and maintenance vehicles, based on the lidar application and capabilities assessing of the method of employing sensors of incoming information on the parameters of the external environment.


aircraft, collision avoidance system, simulation


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