Study of a cylindrical conformal antenna array with a patch emitter for UAV

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-129-14


Korol D. G.*, Temchenko V. S.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article proposes an approach that makes it possible to place a scanning antenna array with a patch emitter on an unmanned aerial vehicle without reducing its aerodynamic characteristics.

The purpose of this work is to research the characteristics of conformal antennas on a cylindrical surface, which allow wide-angle scanning at the required frequency and polarization for further use in unmanned aerial vehicles.

The object of research is antenna arrays modeled in the CST Microwave Studio program, placed on a cylindrical surface.

The result of the work is to obtain the necessary phase distribution and the excitation sector of the antenna array elements to achieve the required field of view during scanning.

The approximation of individual sections of the aircraft by simple geometric figures such as a cylinder, a ball and a cone was adopted. They decided to place the antenna array on the fuselage, which was presented as a cylinder.

The phase distribution is found using the geometrical optics approximation to focus the beam in a given direction. Azimuth scanning takes into account the shape of the cylindrical surface.

To reduce the level of spurious radiation without using the amplitude distribution, we have selected the optimal excitation sector of the antenna array elements.

The simulation results confirmed the possibility of scanning the antenna array in a given sector of angles in azimuth and elevation.

The proposed approach for creating an antenna array can be built into an unmanned aerial vehicle, after the design has been finalized, already taking into account the real device. It will also be necessary to design the feeding system with phase shifters, power splitters and antenna switches.


patch antenna, conformal antennas, antenna modeling, CST Microwave Studio


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