Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic processes in a multichannel collector

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-130-08


Baimetova E. S.

Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, 7, Studencheskaya str., Izhevsk, 426069, Russia



Hydraulic device being considered in the article represents a component part of the heat exchanger, which includes distributing and receiving collectors. These collectors are interconnected by a set of eight parallel identical sections, located across the channels of the working fluid supply and discharge. Each section consists of six micro-channels, which inner finning is accomplished in the form of symmetrical trapezoids with a narrow upper edge. The operative range of velocities for the given type of hydraulic device is 0.1-3 /s, and the flow within this operative range is laminar. The article presents modeling at the working fluid velocity of 0.1 m/s for two, four, six and eight sections of the collector according to the fundamental technique described in the I.E. Idelchik’s reference book on hydraulic resistances. Numerical modeling was performed with the openFoam package for solving continuum mechanics problems in the stationary setting based on finite volumes using the simpleFoam solver. Computations were made by the method of establishing using iteration convergence procedure by the velocity mis-tie of 10–7 and pressure mis-tie of 10–6. The delivery collector computational grid was built in the Salome package and consists of 6 million tetrahedral elements for the eight-section collector. Analysis of the results obtained by the theoretical calculation of hydraulic resistances differs greatly from the numerical modeling data at the identical problem setting, which might be associated with poor applicability of the I.E. Idelchik’s technique for this kind of structures, and flagrant necessity for new techniques introduction for hydraulic resistance computing of complex collector systems. As the result of the study, the flow velocity distribution and pressure difference, decreasing with the number of sections increasing, were obtained as well, and the absence of hydraulic plugging along the equiscalar surfaces was demonstrated.


numerical simulation, multi-section collector, hydrodynamics, mathematical modeling


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