Modeling and assessment of connectivity aviation and railway passenger transportation systems of the Russian Federation


Uryupin I. P.

Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2, Vavilova str., Moscow, 119333, Russia



An important component of the country's socio-economic development is the presence of a developed multimodal transport system. One of the main tasks of the effective functioning of such a system is consistency with each other individual modes of transport. It makes possible to increase transport accessibility for potential passengers in the system.

The purpose of the study is to assess connectivity of the aviation and rail transport systems of passenger transportation in the Russian Federation. In Russia, it is not possible to talk about a unified transport system, due to the geographical features of the country. But it is also impossible to consider these systems completely unrelated, because in large metropolitan areas of the country, these types of transport closely interact with each other. Therefore, for the effective development of the multimodal transport system of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to take into account for which flight points there is an alternative mode of transport (railway), and for which flight points aviation is the only transport for transportation or it can serve as a feeder transport to railway stations. To solve this problem, a model has been developed that allows us to determine the availability of railway communication for each flight point.

The first section provides a description of the initial data for modeling, and the software implementation of their automatic collection.

In the second section, based on the collected data, a methodology has been developed according to which flight points are divided into 5 structural groups according to the presence and accessibility alternative mode of transport - railway. A “special” group of flight points has been identified, for whose lives air transport is important.

The third section provides an analysis of the results obtained. Populated areas have been identified (including the number of potential passengers in them) from which departures could theoretically be to the transport passengers to railway stations, thereby increasing the connectivity of transport systems.


air transport system, railway system, mathematical modeling, programming, transport connectivity


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