Qualitative approach in extracting the information content of wave data. Trudy MAI, 2024


Balakirev N. E.*, Fadeev M. **, Rodionov V. ***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: balakirev1949@yandex.ru
**e-mail: fadeev_mix@bk.ru
***e-mail: tuukvadim@live.com


This article examines the use of a qualitative approach in the analysis of wave phenomena, the features of studying waves as a qualitative aspect, and the introduction of new approaches in the analysis and synthesis of waves. The authors note that most pattern recognition systems based on wave phenomena use classical mathematical methods for modeling and analyzing data, focusing on quantitative characteristics. However, this article raises the question of a qualitative assessment of the data obtained and their content, and also considers the possibility of using a qualitative approach in disclosing the information content of data flows of wave phenomena. The dissection of such content is the basis for speech recognition or integral, informational analysis of complex natural phenomena based on the consideration of wave signals.
The article proposes a logical-linguistic method that allows you to automatically describe the flow of wave data using a system of relationships and create structured data models and describe the data flow of wave phenomena as a sequence of structures acting as the initial alphabet of signs.
 Structures have been developed and used to describe wave flows and create unique algorithms.  Practical results include structuring sound streams, compacting information, watermarking, voicemail, and other technological advances. Practical application in the field of aviation and rocket industry takes place in the field of communication and data storage, as well as fixation of measuring instruments, where wave fluctuations are possible for their subsequent analysis.
In conclusion, the article offers a new approach to the analysis and synthesis of wave data based on a qualitative assessment of the data content, which opens up new prospects for the field of wave research and their applications.


information content, recognition, qualitative approach


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