Increasing the speed of determining the source of messages by limiting the set of processed data blocks

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-125-20


Tanygin M. O.*, Chesnokova A. A.**, Ahmad A. A.***

South-Western State University, 94, 50-let Oktyabrya str., Kursk, 305040, Russia



The purpose of the study consists in developing a mathematical model, which allows evaluating the computational complexity of the original method of i the messages source identifying, which is based on forming the groups of messages and checking the condition of belonging to the target source for the entire group. An increase in reliability and decrease in computational complexity in the method under study is being achieved by assuming that the sequence of messages from the source to the receiver is maintained. This allows cutting down the number of messages involved in the group forming, and, accordingly, reduces the number of options for such groups’ formation.

To study the computational complexity of the algorithm for the groups of messages forming, the number of elementary operations for comparing hashes of such messages was studied, i.e. of the basic operation determining membership of a particular message to the structured set being formed. The length of the message hash, the number of interacting subjects of the distributed system, a number of messages in the group, as well as the parameter limiting the set of messages being analyzed, were the parameters of the model. The process of messages receipt to the receiver was represented as a linear dynamic process characterized in each discrete time instant by the probabilities of a certain number of messages receipt from the target source and all other sources of the distributed system.

The results obtained with this model allow asserting that the condition of warranty of the messages sequence, received by the device, does not change complexity of the message source detection. It stays linearly dependent on the length of the group of messages and a number of devices interacting in the framework of the system of devices. At the same time, in absolute numbers, the number of comparison operations is reduced by two orders of magnitude compared to the group forming method, which does not employ the stationary property of information flows between the distributed system components.


small spacecraft, cluster of small spacecraft, ballistic structure, spatial configuration


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