Assessment of the complexity level of the signal environment for the use of a multichannel sub-Nyquist receiver

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-129-18


Podstrigaev A. S.

Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, 5, str. Professora Popova, Saint Petersburg, 197376, Russia



The modern cognitive radio systems and the spectrum monitoring devices used in spectrum management must perform wideband signal analysis. One of the ways to achieve a wide instantaneous analysis band is to use a multichannel sub-Nyquist receiver. Such a device receives signals from the many Nyquist zones and analyzes their aliases in the first zone. It can disambiguate frequency measurements by aggregating information from several independent channels having different sampling frequencies.

Previously, the author studied errors in determining the time-frequency parameters of pulses time-overlapped in the sub-Nyquist receiver prototype. These studies have shown that this receiver can be used in a complex signal environment. At the same time, the assessment of the maximum level of the signal environment complexity, at which it is possible to use a sub-Nyquist receiver, has yet to be previously performed. This estimation is carried out in the present work by determining the number of pulses simultaneously processed with a given quality.

As a quality criterion, we assume the probability of correct classification should be no worse than 0.8. For this, the abnormal error probability in determining the time-frequency parameters of the pulse should be no more than 0.1. A numerical experiment showed that this condition is satisfied when the number of pulses overlapped in time is not more than 4...5 (depending on the parameters of the receiver).

The calculation shows the possibility of transmitting a stream of pulse descriptor words over the 10GE interface, assuming that five pulse descriptor words are formed in each analysis window (the worst situation). The bandwidth of the transmission channel is more than six times.

In accordance with the previously considered classification of the signal environment, the receiver under study can be used in a signal environment of the third level of complexity and lower.

The results can be used to substantiate the composition of wideband analysis tools depending on the expected complexity level, select the parameters of a multichannel sub-Nyquist receiver, and predict the appearance of abnormal errors in determining the time-frequency parameters of pulses in the receiver.


sub-Nyquist receiver, undersampling receiver, undersampling, wideband receiver, digital receiver, time-frequency parameters, software-defined radio, software-defined receiver, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, pulse descriptor word


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