Mathematical technique modeling using the algorithm for control of the maximum power point for a photoelectric system

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-130-20


AbdAli L. M.1*, Al-Maliki M. N.1**, Kuvshinov V. V.1***, Kuznetsov P. N.1****, Morozova N. V.2*****

1. Sevastopol State Technical University, Sevastopol, Russia
2. Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN", 1, Vadkovsky lane, Moscow, 127994, Russia

***e-mail: к


Substantial number of solar electric power generating systems, including those associated with aerospace technology, is being employed to ensure various equipment operation. These systems are being applied on space stations and off-line ground-based facilities, for power supplying for stationary operating complexes, as well as for supplying energy to various industries and consumers.

One of the basic elements of a solar photovoltaic station is automatic system of its power characteristics control. The presented article studied the point of maximum power control system for the off-line power generating installation based on silicon photoelectric panels. One of this work tasks consisted in operation reliability enhancing of the solar system because of the climatic factors affecting it and associate this system operation with the typical requirement of electric energy through the artificial intelligence application. As long as the alternative renewal energy forms are based on natural resources permanently replenished, it is assumed that they are of infinite storage of useful power. The proposed arithmetic model being is an important component of the complex study of photoelectric systems. The proposed arithmetic model is an important component of the comprehensive study of photoelectric systems. The programming environment, which includes numerous models for renewable energy systems, allows analyzing photoelectric installation operation regularities. It is possible to build a plurality of models for the renewable energy systems meant for modeling and analyzing photoelectric installations operation with MATLAB/Simulink. Due to the instability of external factors, such as solar radiation and atmospheric temperature, or unpredictability of possible instances, such as solar panels overheating, it is necessary to employ a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm for the systems of semiconductor photo converters. The proposed control algorithm application allows significant efficiency increase of the energy converted by the solar station of electric energy, as well as reliability enhancing of the main and auxiliary equipment of photoelectric systems, which may be employed for supplying the off-line objects and operation for the energy system.


photovoltaic panel, P&O algorithm, DC/DC converter, solar power plant, MATLAB/Simulink software


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