Promising research areas aimed at building an integrated flight safety management system


Dubinsky S. V.*, Strelkov V. V.**

Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), Zhukovsky, Moscow region, Russia



Flight safety remains a priority challenge in the aviation industry. The transition to predictive technologies seems to be the most promising way to meet this challenge today. Continuous monitoring of power plant characteristics, on-board equipment, airframe structure health status and the flight crew actions during operation allows early identification of prerequisites for failures or flight incidents or accidents in order to take measures to prevent and counteract them. This paper considers some promising areas of research aimed at building an integrated flight safety management system, including a system to monitor the state of aircraft structure, the condition of power plant and the current flight situation as a whole. These researches should result in demonstrators of the proposed technical solutions and technologies discussed in this paper.

The researches of on-board systems for aircraft structure health monitoring include the three following areas:

1)                monitoring of accumulated growing fatigue damage (safe operation life monitoring);

2)                monitoring of structure integrity (detection of cracks, corrosion pits, etc.);

3)                impact damages events monitoring (localization and impact energy recovery).

The first of the three focus areas mentioned above is the most elaborated one. Progress in the fiberoptic technology opens the prospects for fitting all aircraft by system of optic strain gauges and improving technology of accumulated fatigue damage monitoring. On-line monitoring technologies of airframe integrity and impact damages localization are now at a stage of laboratory study.

At the present time, electric power supply actuators are widely used in unmanned vehicles and they have some prospect to be used in the advance “more electric” aircraft. Therefore, its health status has to be revising in operation. Monitoring technology for electromechanical actuator and its demonstrator are discussed in the paper.

One more research area for flight safety is monitoring of flight situation and prediction of its progress. The advanced runway overrun awareness and alerting system, its functionality, architecture and ground based demonstrator are discussed.


Flight safety, health status monitoring, predictive diagnostics, data analysis, fatigue damageability, structural integrity, composite structure, shock impact, situational awareness system, rough landing, technology demonstrator


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