Application of the finite-difference time-domain method to the analysis of the directional properties of two-dimensional radiating structures


Ovchinnikova E. V.1*, Shmachilin P. A.1**, Kondrat’eva S. G.1***, Gadzhiev E. V.1, 2****, Pavlov S. V.3*****

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Corporation "Space systems monitoring, information management and electromechanical systems" named A.G. Iosif'yan, "Corporation "VNIIEM", 4, Horomny deadlock, building 1, Moscow, 107078, Russia
3. S. P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation «Energia», 4A Lenin Street, Korolev, Moscow area, 141070, Russia



The subject of the research is the finite difference time domain method with an algorithm for recalculating the near-zone field into the far-zone field. The Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method is a numerical method used for the numerical modeling of electromagnetic fields. It is based on finite difference approximations of Maxwell’s equations, which describe the behavior of electromagnetic fields in space and time. The aim of the work is to implement the FDTD method with boundary conditions in software and the ability to calculate the directional properties of two-dimensional radiating structures. The program is aimed at making its contribution to the field of computational electromagnetics and its practical applications by providing users with a universal and accessible tool for analyzing the phenomena of wave propagation, reflection, transmission, and scattering in two-dimensional space and calculating the radiation patterns of various structures. During the work, the following tasks were carried out: implementation of boundary conditions, development of a method for calculating the reflection coefficient from boundary conditions, software implementation of the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method, development of an algorithm for recalculating the near-field into the far-field, modeling and calculation of radiation patterns of various antennas. As a result of the research, the FDTD method was implemented with the possibility of calculating the radiation pattern of radiating structures. The developed program has a wide range of potential applications. It can be used to analyze the behavior of waveguides and transmission lines, to design and optimize antennas, to calculate the radiation pattern of antennas, and to serve as a teaching aid for students and researchers in the field of electromagnetism.


Numerical methods, electrodynamic modeling, electrodynamics, FDTD, Python


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