Dynamic diagnostic models and method for ensuring the stability of monitoring the technical condition of on-board control systems of aircraft


Baranovsky A. M., Musienko A. S.*

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia

*e-mail: vka@mil.ru


This article considers the problem of searching for single defects in on-board systems (OS), specifically in space rocket control systems (SRCS). Single defects manifest themselves as OS failures. A new search algorithm is proposed that reduces the number of search steps due to a combined strategy of partitioning the initial set of possible defects.
The proposed strategy includes the principle of half-partition and sequential enumeration of possible defects. It differs from known strategies such as full enumeration, half-partition and mixed strategy in that it allows not only to detect the presence of a defect, but also to identify specific chains that communicate with each other, with a minimum number of testing steps.
The obtained results of the study can be used in the development of devices for monitoring ground and onboard systems, which ensure monitoring and search for defects during the preparation of the launch vehicle for launch. External and internal factors can cause changes in the technical condition of electrical circuits during operation. Defects are especially dangerous and do not allow for the safe operation of products.
The aim of the study is to reduce the number of testing steps to detect the absence of accidents and failures in the event of a failure in the operation of an on-board system.
To achieve this goal, it is proposed to use an original heuristic algorithm for forming sets of tested chains. This algorithm allows forming a terminal minimal set of pairs of chains, assumed to have a failure. This approach reduces the number of necessary pairwise checks at the stage of sequential enumeration of tested systems.
In conclusion, the proposed strategy for searching for single defects is the best one, since it requires fewer elementary checks for monitoring and failure. The implementation of such a strategy is relatively simple with modern monitoring tools based on computing devices and switching devices. The assumption of a single failure is acceptable for normal operating conditions, but in case of deviations, a repeated cycle of checks is necessary.


control system, model, technical condition monitoring, diagnostics, control stability


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