Organization of storage of results of intermediate calculations in tasks of authentication of message sources of limited length


Tanygin M. O.*, Chesnokova A. A.**, Dobritsa V. P.***

South-Western State University, 94, 50-let Oktyabrya str., Kursk, 305040, Russia



The authors conducted a study on the practical implementation of the approach to the message sources of limited length authentication. This approach is based on the coding application in the blocks chaining mode. Organization of the address space for the intermediate calculations results storing, which are presented in the form of an oriented tree graph, is described. The article demonstrates the possibility of identifying sections for each such graph where its modification occurs, and the sections, which turned out to be unmodified at certain stages of the authentication procedure execution. Such a difference in access modes is a prerequisite for organizing a system of parallel processing of these graph structures.

The article demonstrates as well that application of this memory organization allows dividing the entire procedure of processing a message of limited length into five stages. Of these stages, the three can be implemented by specialized modules that operate in parallel and access the disjoint areas of the register matrix. Implementation of asynchronous parallel operation of modules, executing decoding operations of the incoming data packets, their placing in the disjoint areas of register memory and analyzing the results of intermediate calculations allows to increasing the authentication procedure speed.

An assessment of the theoretically achievable level of parallelization of the message processing procedure was performed as well. The assessment revealed that the bit depth of the authentication code determines the nature of the maximum level of parallelization dependence on the number of interacting sources. In case of the code bit depth exceeds the theoretical applicability limit of the approach based on coding in the block coupling mode, it is advisable to employ no more than five decoding and processing blocks in a tree-like system for parallel operation, while dividing the memory space for storing intermediate results into an appropriate number of areas.


message source, block internal memory, intermediate calculations, authentication, register matrix


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