Passive cooling effects of silicon photoelectric cells and their behavior


Al-Maliki M. N.1*, Yuferev L. Y.2**, Yakimovich B. A.1***, Kuvshinov V. V.1****

1. Sevastopol State Technical University, Sevastopol, Russia
2. Federal State Scientific Agroengineering Center All-Russian Institute for Mechanization, Moscow, Russia

****e-mail: к


Application of photovoltaic converters for the aviation and space industries represents a very important task. In particular, it is the main source of electrical energy at space vehicles and stations. Certain drawbacks constantly arise herewith during the semiconductor photocells operation. The authors of the presented article propose several solutions to this problem. The photoconverters overheating, for example, leads to their efficiency degradation and energy characteristics deterioration. For this problem solving, the authors proposed an interesting technique for the said consequences mitigation. Theoretical and experimental studies were conducted, the necessary computations were performed and qualitative proposals were made during this work. The presented study analyzes the effect of passive cooling on the efficiency of the silicon-based photovoltaic cells. The photovoltaic cell (PV) was subjected to heat dissipation through the aluminum heat sink. The radiator sizing is based on the results of the stationary heat transfer analysis. The experimental studies were conducted at various ambient temperatures and illumination levels up to one sun with a sun simulator. Based on the empirical data obtained by applying this cooling methodology, the photovoltaic cell efficiency in converting light energy into electrical energy is greatly improved. The efficiency of the photocell increases by 20% when exposed to radiation with an intensity of 800 W/m2. The most significant temperature reduction is being noted at an illumination level of 600 W/m2. Photovoltaic cells, both with and without fins, demonstrate improved performance at lower ambient temperatures. The studies being performed allow ensuring high-quality generation of the electric energy and reducing the dependence of the solar panels operation on temperature, which significantly improves the energy characteristics of the power plant and ensures reliable electrical energy generation. Theoretical and experimental studies performed in the course of this work allow continuing the solar installations development and may significantly expand scientific data on the operating modes of photovoltaic stations, both ground-based and space-based. This data is necessary for both ensuring reliable operation of aerospace equipment and for the ground-based power systems operation.


photovoltaic panel, DC-DC converter, solar plant, MATLAB/Simulink


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