Automated control device for vacuum process valve


Martynov V. V., Shunevich N. A., Sinelnikov E. G.*, Zhitny M. V.

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The article analyzes experimental studies of the functioning of spacecraft elements in a vacuum at the experimental installation of the Military Space Academy named after. A.F. Mozhaisky, which is part of the VS-1 vacuum system. Based on the results of the analysis, as well as a study of the operating experience of such systems, an approach to organizing experimental research was proposed, based on the use of a single automated control panel to control the experimental installation. For the purpose of practical implementation of this technical solution in the control circuit of vacuum gates of an experimental vacuum installation, a modernized electrical circuit was developed, which is based on modern control principles and element base. The basis for modernizing the electrical circuit of the vacuum valve drive is the technical solutions implemented in the control circuit of the vacuum process valve. An important task solved during the modernization was the task of using low voltage in the control panel circuits and decoupling the remote control circuits from the power control circuits of the vacuum shutter motors. The main elements of the control circuit were RS flip-flops and a module containing eight relay blocks that ensure reliable switching on and off of the gate electric drives. The proposed technical solution was tested during experimental studies conducted to test the functioning of special structures in vacuum conditions. The main feature of this experiment was that the prototype was located in a separate volume (instrumental compartment), separated from the main vacuum chamber by a technological vacuum shutter with an electric drive. The implementation of this scheme allows: – reduce personnel labor costs for operations during plant startup and inspections during its operation; – increase the safety of work on a vacuum installation by isolating the control loop of the power elements of the installation; – increase the reliability of the installation by organizing control over critical parameters of equipment operation and its automatic disconnection from the system. This solution makes it possible to manipulate the sample under study without losing the required vacuum level in the main vacuum chamber, which ensures that when the vacuum shutter is opened, the required vacuum in the instrument compartment is quickly achieved.


vacuum installation, automated system, vacuum process valve, diagram


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